Foundation Day
Pathfinder Camping
1st day of camp - Regata which means cooking in the water.
Science Camp
Science Camp @ SPAC.
Teacher's Appreciation Day
Teachers being appreciated by students.
Student Olympics
Buwan Ng Wika
On August 28, 2015, ATO honored past president Manuel Luis Quezon, who was known to be the "Ama ng Wikang Pambansa" Students and staff dressed in the Filipino traditional attire and performed the cultural dance and music in honor of former President Quezon.
Nutrition Program
July is nutrition awareness month. Students learn to eat healthy by displaying a balanced nutritious food and demonstrate cooking it. The parents and the community are welcomed to participate.
Chapel Period
A weekly activity that aims to strengthen the religious aspects of the students and staff to have a balanced and healthy spiritual life.
On March 25, 2015, ATO celebrated its 11th commencement exercises in honor of 14 grade six graduates and 25 kindergarten graduates.
The graduation theme was focused on Filipino culture and heritage. All grades participated by performing a traditional dance and music.